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Welcome to Trusted installers Reboot

Hello , and thank you for stopping by, and most importantly taking the time to read my blog

first off I have had this domain for nearly a year and attempted to start an ecommerce site based on my lifelong involvement in the tech industry. it's a much loftier endeavor that I had first anticipated and needless to say mistakes were made. first and foremost was, i had no real plan, besides just promoting things to sell. Compounded with an incredible lack of focus.

 a broken computer
Fatal Error

Needless to say. it did not go well. I have since looked things over and it seems that my love and passion for technology did not really manifest itself really well on my site. my efforts seemed scattershot and even halfhearted at

Time for Trusted installers Reboot

I'm not one for giving up so easily. So, with a friend's encouragement I renewed my domain, and I am once again going forth into Trusted installers Reboot a little wiser. this time around though I'm taking a more organic, casual approach. less like a sales pitch and more like a place where like-minded individuals can find resources and each other and share.


This time around. I 'am going to be more focused and patient and more precise in my implementation and most importantly TAKE MY TIME and make certain that all elements here serve a significant purpose directly connected to my passion.

this sites official launch will not be until March 4th until then i won't enable comments. however. feel free to drop me a line if you would like to provide feedback until then take care and take care of your gadgets as well.

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